Sep 20, 2018 | Developing new services for young people, Drugs and Alcohol, Recovery, Recovery, Systemic Practice, Young People's Substance Misuse Services, Young Peoples Mental Health
We are so excited to be in Glasgow and are presenting on Young People and Substance Misuse – working with complex presentations and medication. Watch this space for an update on how it went!! Oct 19, 2017 | Systemic Practice, Uncategorized, Young People's Substance Misuse Services, Young Peoples Mental Health
Youthinc was invited to deliver a talk about developing services for Complex Young People in Cardiff last week We were part of a really interesting group of professionals and academics who were exploring new ways of working. We were inspired hearing usingas a...Oct 19, 2017 | Autism, Developing new services for young people, Systemic Practice, Uncategorized, Young People's Substance Misuse Services, Young Peoples Mental Health
We spent the weekend in Dublin at the end of September – Inspired by new ideas and an excellent representation of young people from all over the world. Our ideas for developing new services were very well received. Deborah rose to the challenge of 7 x 12 minute...Sep 20, 2017 | Developing new services for young people, Family Therapy, Systemic Practice
Last weekend Deborah travelled to Dunblane in Scotland to deliver a paper describing the Youthinc treatment model to this conference. The theme of the conference was Wide Open Spaces – Working Creatively and Staying Connected. Deborah’s theme was...
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